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Category: Family (Page 2 of 2)


Found out today that my dad has prostate cancer. His dad died from it, one brother died from it, another brother is being treated for it. Family history if ever there was such a thing.

He seems to be taking the news well, but who knows. He’s a very strong man, the strongest I have ever met. He shattered his leg and when he was in the hospital the next day they had to drill through his ankle to relieve the swelling or he would lose his foot. No pain meds, no freezing, just drill through with a Doctor on his chest to hold him down and all he did was say “Ack!” once. No yelling, no complaining, just one outburst.

Now, this really strong guy has cancer. I know there is no god, but if there was I’d tell him to fuck off and leave my dad alone.

He’s going to get his prostate and lymph nodes in his legs removed surgically in March. No laparoscopic procedure or chemotherapy. I know that it is the most treatable cancer for men. I just hope they have caught it quick enough that it hasn’t spread.

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